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Online Arts Competition Sponsored by DailyDesignist


Daily Designist is organizing its 1st online arts competition for kids 👧 👦 6 years and above. Please email your entry by 10th July to with the subject - Arts Competition.
Results will be announced on 15th July'2022 via our FB page, Website and Email.
Rules of the submission:
1. The theme could be anything - Free to explore
2. The artwork could be on any medium like watercolor, pencil colors, crayons, acrylics - Whatever they love and do their best
3. Would love to see their original ideas and creations
4. It is free to take part
5. One entry per kid is allowed
1. Everyone will get certificate of participation and discount code to join our online Art classes
2. Winner will get a month of Art Class for free from DailyDesignist
Let the creativity flow and summer☀️ magic 🪄 happen!!