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Unique benefits to the students

1. We provide online, live arts/music/instruments/crafts classes to kids and adults from beginner level. Only mini groups and 1:1 class are provided by our talented artists/arts teachers - FLEXIBILITY AND EASE OF LEARNING

2. Students (after gaining proper knowledge and expertise) can join our global arts platform "DailyDesignist" as artists (showcasing their original paintings/artworks) on DailyDesignist and Artsy (through us as we are their esteemed gallery partner) - BRAND BUILDING


2. Students (after gaining proper knowledge and expertise) can join our global art platform as art designers (showcasing their original creations and designs on fabric, accessories or any other medium) on our marketplace to be able to sell to a global audience - FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE

3. Parents (living in US) - Enrolling in our online classes will help you earn tax credits (refund) when you file your annual tax return. We have already helped a few parents in the same regards - TAX BENEFIT

4. Students will also get opportunity to be able to take part in local art shows/fair or compete in national/international art competitions - CONFIDENCE BUILDING 

5.We are a niche arts platform to teach Indian folk arts as well as Digital Arts. We are building the next generation of artists/creators - BE A CHANGE LEADER

Please Note: DailyDesignist is a global award-winning arts platform. This is our journey and some accolades along the way. We would love to share all this with you guys: